There are so many discussions going on about why customer experience is so important. For me, CX is a combination of 1. the encounter between the company and a customer, physical or digital, 2. the image of the company or brand and 3. the emotions in the above-mentioned situations. These all come together in the customer's minds as the Customer...
VibeVision blogi
These days in our everyday-life, we measure everything. I mean everything. From the calories that we eat to the steps, we take, from the amount of cash flow to the business divided by each customer segment to the number of clicks in this marketing email.
Customer Experience (CX) has been a bubbling word in business for some time now. We all already know how valuable a good CX is for the business and what value it brings to the bottom line. A few years back the word Employee Experience (EX) joined the club, alongside CX, these two help to measure and explain why are other...
When we finally decide that we want no measure our performance and the experience that the company is delivering to its customers or employees, how can we make sure that we can truly utilize the results?
What makes some businesses successful and others fail? One can argue that it is all about the core of business - laws of supply and demand, your competitiveness, quality etc. But I, as many others, would say, that beside the awesome business idea, the people can make or break the deal. Even if the business idea is not that great,...